Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Art {Journaling} A Journal Giveaway!

Last week I received an e-mail from Interweave. They have art resources, craft products, etc. They were advertising a class by Rae Missigman called Journals with Texture. Rae happens to be another one of my favorite artists. Anyway, the class was just $3.99 so I tried it out. And here is the journal I made very quickly on Saturday:

A few things I did differently was that I used sari ribbon instead of wool. I also put paper on the inside and back covers to make the journal a little heavier. And I used sari ribbon to tie the journal closed instead of the closure Rae made. The journal has 18 various sized pages inside as you can see from the picture above. It's just one signature so it will be easy to carry with you. All-in-all, it was a fun and quick little journal to make.

And because I have had 1,400,000+ hits on my blog over the years, I have decided to give this journal away to one blog reader. All you need to do to win this journal is to tell me how you would use this journal. I would love for it to be put to good usenot to sit and collect dust. Leave your comment below by Friday, April 8th, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern, and I will announce the winner sometime that weekend.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for following me all of these years. Have a blessed week!


  1. I would use this journal to journal my time with my last granddaughter. With each of the grandchildren that I care for daily while their momma's work I have kept a journal or blog of our time & their growth , I intend to gift it to them when they are expecting their 1st child. It is my thoughts & prayers for them , from the time the happy parents share they are expecting to my time with them daily. Thanks for gifting this beautiful journal to one of your readers.

  2. It is just gorgeous! I would use this journal to keep track of my daily scripture reading and what I learned/rayed journal.
    I have gone through many in the last year as I have learned to lean into God during challenging times. I use my journals to not only record thoughts but do art in while I pray. I hope that makes some sense.
    Thank you for showing us your art and giving us a chance
    to win it. Blessings to you.

  3. I would use this as a SOAP journal. I did a study like this last fall and really enjoyed it. Thanks for the chance to win. How is your daughter doing?

  4. Congratulations Patter on your blog being so successful. I'd love an opportunity to win this handmade journal. I would use to as a place to record my favorite scriptures, quotes and hymn lyrics. Thanks for offering this special giveaway to your readers. ~ Abby

  5. I like to us these journals when I do my Bible studies. I take notes and doodle. This one is beautiful. I will have to check out the class. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Our church just showed the movie War Room and is starting the Battle Plan for Prayer Bible Study. I would use your beautiful journal to take class notes and store my personal prayers in. I love the envelope you've tucked inside to keep "treasures" in!

  7. I would probably use it as my writing journal. That is how I unwind, de-stress and fulfill my creative potential. That really is a big help for me.

  8. I am running out of room in my little journal where I keep quotes that speak to me and scripture that stirs me. I would use this beautiful journal to continue my collection. I always keep it handy in my kitchen where I spend a lot of time!!

  9. God Bless! You are an inspiration! ❤️

  10. I absolutely love your work! I would use it as a prayer journal and as well as scriptures all over its pages. I love to write down my prayers. Again, thanks for all you do!

  11. I love what you did! I always use these kinds of journals for special collections, like poetry and quotes. Beautiful job!

  12. What a gorgeous Journal to have the opportunity of winning... it's absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity!
    I would use to as a place to record my favorite scriptures and hymn lyrics. I write in brought journals every evening with our special bible study times and then go back over them to see what I've learned and remembered... Congratulations on your successful and awe inspiring blog :) God bless you and yours... Hugs, Jemima

  13. This journal is awesome ... I would love to make one. You are such an inspiration ... I have loved working with you on my journals.

  14. What a gorgeous, cheery journal! I would love to use this journal to write out my prayers for my husband and children. One of my dearest earthly treasures is a journal I gave my grandparents over 25 years ago. They filled it with their morning prayers and as I look at their loving and distinct handwriting, as well as their powerful words and love over us all, I always find myself crying at the treasure they were in my life and I thank Jesus that one day we will all be reunited forever because of HIS gift of eternal life! Blessings to you and your family!

  15. I love your journal I would be honored to win it I probably would put poem posts in it as I like to write poetry with some pictures Thanks for the chance

  16. This is absolutely gorgeous! I would use it as a prayer journal. Love your work.

  17. This is beautiful, Patter. I have various books for various parts of my life, including journaling, scripture memory, prayer requests, and so forth----I do not have a knitting/crochet journal of projects I have made, but have read of people keep such, even including patterns or a yarn sample. I have begun taking photos of items I give away, but cannot even recall some of them clearly after time passes.

    Glad to read on Facebook that your daughters are doing better. I wondered why the envelope until reading comments. Your combinations of colors and textures are especially winsome. Thanks for sharing this---Jennifer in OH

  18. What a beautiful journal. I would probably use it as gratitude journal and write down things I am grateful for and maybe also put in some quotes that I love! thanks for the chance to win it. I love that it is hand made by you, super special! ~Gin K.~

  19. This is so much fun! You are so generous to give away this journal! I would use it to put my sister's baptism pictures in it! We live in Lafayette, LA and she was baptized in the Atlantic Ocean last October! I told her I would make her a special book, and this would surely help me get on the way to complete it! I have all the pictures ready to go! Thanks so much for your blog. God bless you in your continued success!
    Catherine Manning

  20. This is absolutely stunning! How generous of you to give it away. I think this journal would be perfect to take to church on Sundays for sermon notes... plus everyone would totally be jealous! Thanks so much.

  21. I love to do Bible Journaling & doodling in a journal. A beautiful journal like this would be a keepsake for future generations to treasure.

  22. Hi there, I would use this gorgeous journal to be my prayer journal. I have kept just a simple store bought lined notebook at times but I have never had nor used a beautiful handmade journal for prayer needs. So that is exactly what I would do with it should I be blessed as the giveaway winner! Blessings Sandra nz.sandra@gmail.com

  23. Beautiful journal! If I won this journal, I will send it to my cousin who just started going through chemo for her colon cancer. She posts things on Facebook, but I know this would be a better place to hold her personal thoughts, fears, etc. In fact, I'm going to see if this class is still available and take it myself. I love the journal cover and the journal itself. Just gorgeous!

  24. Oh, that's wonderful!! It makes you want to reach out and touch it and then add to it's wonderfulness by adding art and words to each page!! Thanks for the chance to win it and do just that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Hi, What a beautiful job that you did and what a way to serve your readers by giving it away as a gift. I would use it as a gratitude/prayer journal. I have had medical issues for the past 10 months but everyday God reminds me of things/people/results that I should be thankful for. Sometimes we get stuck in a "whoa is me" rut. It would be encouraging to look back at a gratitude/prayer journal and be reminded of God's grace and mercy and how often He answers our prayers. I have been a Christian for 36 years but God has increased my faith so much in the last 10 months....almost feels like I am a baby in Christ. :) God is so good and it is a great reminder to know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God Bless!


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