Sunday, August 28, 2016

Journaling {Bible} Psalm 136

Well, as you may have noticed, I have not posted in over a week. I have had a very hard time since all three of my girls returned to college. Yes, even my little heart patient was well enough to head back to her university. Praise God for that but it has left me with a dreadful, dreadful bit of depression and sadness. This past week I have been unable to do anything but cry. I even woke up crying. That is SO unlike me, and I hate the feeling. I think it is a combination of age-related hormones and the girls' leaving. Yes, bad time for everything to just hit me like a truck. BUT there has been great news since yesterday. First, God has an unfailing love for me!! He sees my tears. He know I ache in a way I have never known. He drew me to Psalm 136 yesterday, and I have done nothing but read it, quote it, and meditate on it. Then after reading this same chapter in about five different versions, I knew I had to put this truth in the margin of my Journaling {Bible}:

"His love is faithful! His love is steadfast! His love never quits!"

And this morning at church, He continued to show His amazing love to me. As hubby and I were walking back to our car, I ran into a dear, dear friend that I have not seen in two years. She has a daughter a year older than my girls, and I remember how hard it was for my friend when her nest became empty. She was the exact person I needed to see this morning. God knew that. I cried right there in the parking lot, and she completely understood. We have plans to go to lunch and go to prayer time at our church together each Tuesday. I am now filled with such joy, and so glad hubby and I decided to try a new service time since we no longer have sleeping young adults in the house. LOL!

Have you recently become an empty nester? Or maybe you are sad and down for some other reason. I encourage you to remember that God loves you beyond measure, and that love never, ever fails or quits! He has plans for you. I also encourage you to read Psalm 136 along with Psalm 135:13, Psalm 138:1-2, and Psalm 138:8. May you be blessed and feel His love for you!

Papers: painted deli paper 
Stamps: Paper Trey Ink Wet Paint, Schoolbook Lower Alphabet, Illustrated Faith date stamp 
Stamp Ink: Archival Ink jet black 
Paints: Dylusions squeezed orange, Martha Stewart date night pink, Daler Rowney FW acrylic artist ink flourescent pink 
Tools: Stencil Girl Inky Circles, Pentel colored mechanical pencil, Delta Daisies stencil, Pigma Micron pens, sewing machine 
Embellishments: Authentique Petite Type Crush alpha stickers, Illustrated Faith Say It black and white, Tim Holtz Big Chat stickers, Simple Stories DIY Icon stickers

Have a blessed Sunday, and remember His steadfast love endures forever!

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  1. Just what I needed to hear today. I woke up this morning feeling like crying. Nothing so major as suddenly becoming an empty nester, but the Lord understands all of our hurts - big and small.

    Blessing hugs,

  2. Hi Patter!
    I have been thinking of your family and praying for all of you even though I haven't been visiting blogs for the last couple of years.

    My son moved out when he was 18 and is now going into his 6th year in the USAF. It has almost been exclusively overseas. I truly understand being an Empty Nester. Our Father is SO faithful! Look how He reminded you of these Scriptures and then brought your good friend directly in your path! How beautiful! Sometimes His ways are not mysterious at all!

    One of the things I really love about you is that you remain open to hear and receive His love for you. And, I love how you realize the blessings, like certain Scriptures that He wanted you to focus your thoughts on. And how you celebrate His love for you in so many ways! You use your art, your words and share your stories, your teaching and more. I love how you share your love of Him, and that you share His love for you with us!

    I have a stamp set aside for you that I really think you would enjoy! I have had it on my work table for about 3 years! Will you please send me your mailing address? I promise not to share it anywhere.

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

  3. I am so glad I came across this post today.. I am fine today, but I do know that sadness that comes. I have 3 older children who have left home, and I love that I still have my youngest at home but I do feel a sadness each time the older ones flew the nest! Thanks for the reminder about Gods love.. Where would i be without it... I dont even want to think about that. Love your journalling in your Bible too.. I pray tomorrow you feel a deep joy all day long! bless you..

  4. Your bible journaling is beautiful Patter. Thanks for encouraging us,your blog readers, during this difficult time for you. Psalm 136 is a wonderful psalm to meditate on! So glad your daughter was able to return to college after her surgery!

  5. I know....I know....
    But thank the LORD I have friend like you that understand.
    And I enjoyed reading the other ladies comments as well. Makes
    one feel 'normal' that others are experiencing the same feelings.

    So many times people say to me...'what are you crying for, it is
    just natural, let it go, suck it up, don't be one of those mothers'...

    And you know is what I say- 'When God gives you the
    greatest blessing you have ever had, you don't want to see that
    blessing leave'.

    Truly- that is how I feel. I want my blessing still at home, I enjoy being around my child. So there....LOL!

    Another beautiful entry Patter. Love the bold colors just as we are
    to be bold and be strong, because the gracious Lord above will carry us when we can't.


  6. Thank you for this post. I have been feeling sad all summer because both of my girls are moving away from home tomorrow. We only have the 2 girls. So we will be empty nesters as well. I am thankful that they will be living together but sad that they will be so far away. It is 4 1/2 - 5 hours away. It's interesting because the sermon yesterday was about worry and anxiety and how we need to trust God. And, that He loves us!
    Thanks again for this post. Was perfect timing!! :)


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