Sunday, September 11, 2016

Glory {Art 2016} Scripture Challenge #9, Worth or Value

The Study
Worthy: having adequate or great merit, character, or value 

Value: respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance, to regard or esteem highly

Do you think you are not worthy to do certain things or be in a certain position or be friends with certain people, etc.? Maybe you feel you are not valued whether it be at work, in your home, amongst your peers, etc. Or maybe your children feel that way. Maybe you have been given an award, and you do not think you deserve it. You aren't worthy. Whatever the case may be, I think most of us have felt that we are not worthy at some point in our lives. Today, I want to tell you that you are worthy; you are of value! And how can I say that? Because God says you are worthy!

Recently, I was reading a fiction book written by Erica Vetsch, and she said this (speaking of the Lord):

"There is nothing you can bring to make yourself worthy. I am the One who makes you worthy. Your worth isn't determined by your physical body or your intellect or your pride. Your worth isn't determined by how others see you or by how you see yourself. Your worth is established because I died for you. Because I have called you worthy. You are mine."

Isn't that beautiful? He died for you; He died for me. We are of immeasureable value to Him. We all have faults but that does not make us any less valuable to God. God in His infinite wisdom has created each of us perfectly as He wanted us. He has plans for you no matter where you are in life.

Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."

Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being."

Psalm 139:13 "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb."

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed You in the womb I knew You, before you were born I set You apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

The day after reading the quote by Erica Vetsch, my daughter told me about her professor and what he said in chapel that morning. Ironically it was also about being of value and being worthy because God created us. His speech is amazing, and I certainly cannot say it any better than he has. If you want to see his entire speech, start this video at 19:55 minutes in. If you want to see the "value" part, start at 30:00 minutes in. The speech lasts until 46:20 minutes (so about 26 minutes total) but you can certainly stop it at any time. I have watched his entire speech, and I think it is something everyone should hear. Truly a 'valuable' speech!

I hope you watched and enjoyed the speech as much as I did! 

Luke 12:7 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

The Life Application Bible says this about our value or worth:

"Our true value is God's estimate of our worth, not our peers'. Other people evaluate and categorize us according to how we perform, what we achieve, and how we look. But God cares for us, as He does for all His creatures, because we belong to Him. So we can face life without fear."

And if you feel someone in your life is not worthy, will you please reconsider knowing that God created them and died for them too? They are valuable to Him. So go out with joy in your heart and without fear knowing that you are worthy and that everyone you come in contact with is worthy too! We all were created by Him, and He died for us all! Amen!

The Art
I chose to create a Journaling Bible page using the Luke 12:7 verse noted above. I summarized the quote from the Life Application Bible and put it in the margin. I really loved what it said.

Stamps: Honey Bee Stamps Hand Lettered Alpha, Prayers, and Kindness; Alisa Burke Flower Girls; October Afternoon Decade stamp; Illustrated Faith Beautiful 
Stamp Ink: Archival Ink jet black and viridian 
Paints: Prima Art Basics clear gesso, Kuretake watercolors 
Tools: Pigma Micron 02 and 05 pen, waterbrush, vintage manual typewriter, sewing machine 
Embellishments: Teresa Collins label stickers, Simple Stories DIY icon stickers, Illustrated Faith Wordfetti White and Mini Bless Her Heart stickers

Feel free to join us on the Facebook page where some people will be sharing their creations. We also have some discussions that will be going on there too about the study. If you don't use Facebook and want to share your creation here, please do so by leaving a link in the comment section. I am no longer paying for InLinkz. To see all of the information regarding this challenge and the previous studies, please see this post here. And remember, you are worthy!

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  1. I listened to the whole speech Patter and thought how blessed the students are at that university ! It must be a great comfort for you to know your daughter is studying at such a great place ! Your bible page is wonderful love the stamps ! Its a graet idea to date your page!

  2. Oh Susan, I am SO, SO glad you listened to the speech. I am not sure if people will but I sure wish they would. It is totally worth 26 minutes! After I told my daughter I posted it here, and she listed to it again. She also loved what he said. Her sisters go to the same school, so yes, I am blessed that my girls get to hear amazing professors like this and have them in their lives!

  3. Thankyou Patter for all you share with these monthly challenges. I am sorry that I have only taken part twice this year. All sorts of things have been happening in my life... daughter and family are overseas for three months so my husband and I have needed to keep an eye on their house while away. I am suffering with a pinched nerve which keeps me from being on the computer for too long. God Bless you and your family.


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