Sunday, November 13, 2016

A Little {Sunday} Freebie

Currently I am taking another class by Roben-Marie Smith called "Paper to Painting." As always, it is a great class. I have taken her classes for probably 6 years at least. Anyway, most of you know that I always scan my work and use the printouts for other things. Never have I scanned a piece while I create. I only scan them once they are complete. Well, I scanned this one after Step 2 in the class. Oh my, how I love it. I am definitely going to be scanning my work-in-progress also now. 

And in my excitement, I thought I would encourage you to download, print, and use my photo. I did not watermark this one so feel free to use it but I also ask that you give credit where credit is due. You can also find the full-sized image by clicking here. Thanks for stopping by, and let me know how you might use this. Blessings,


  1. Thank you for sharing your art. I love Robin Marie's classes and can see her style in this piece. I'll be looking forward to see what you do next.

  2. A wonderful piece that has nice balance and flow for the eye. One could enjoy just sitting and reflecting on different elements. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your holidays:)


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