Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving and iPhone Wallpaper

You are probably wondering how Thanksgiving and iPhone wallpaper go together. Well, they don't really but I have spent my Thanksgiving day in my studio painting and having fun. We had a late meal (at 5 p.m.), and now it's back to the studio to post this and just relax.

First, I pray your day has been wonderful and that you have been blessed by spending it with those most precious to you. And for those that might find these days stressful being together with some in your life, I pray you still enjoyed these moments. Look for the blessings in your day and be thankful.

I know for me, spending time in my studio is a huge blessing. And I did something fun with my art today. I photographed it like I always do but then I decided to make it the wallpaper for my iPhone and my iPad. How fun is that? You can do that too with any piece you create! Photograph your piece whether a layout, art journal page, card, anything and make it your wallpaper. You could change it often too if you wanted. How about a scrapbook page of your kids or grandkids. Wouldn't that be fun to see each time your phone lights up? Anyway, here is how mine turned out.

I hope you have enjoyed this little tip. Have a blessed and safe weekend! Happy Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for each of you! Blessings,

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