Saturday, February 4, 2017

File Folder {Journal} In Progress

Most of you know that Roben-Marie Smith's classes are my favorite. Well, I dove in the other day into her Journal Bound workshop just for fun. I have not finished the class yet but wanted to show you my piece thus far.

The colors just make me happy, and I have already used the photo as my wallpaper on my iPhone. Love doing that. I also used the same techniques on an ICAD that I will share shortly. To see details about Roben-Marie's classes, click here.

I will share more ICADs in a few days. I have the cards for this past week almost done but haven't been able to photograph them all. So, I hope you enjoy today's inspiration instead. Have a blessed Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I recognized the style. The folder is gorgeous!
    I love Roben-Marie's classes, too!


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