Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Art {Marks} Using Pastels

I love using pastels and India ink for backgrounds. My two favorite products are my set of Faber-Castell soft pastels and the Dr. Ph. Martin Bombay India Inks. They are two totally different products. The pastels get messy and they are not waterproof but they are so beautiful. I purchased the set of 72 minis.

The India inks are a liquid, and they are waterproof.
I love to put down color and use both of these as a background. The pastels are also great for making marks, coloring, etc. To set the pastels, I just cover lightly with Golden Fluid Matte Medium then continue to work over the pastels. Works amazing and doesn't get messy on my pages that way. So today, let's look at how I use the pastels on my pages.

Here I used the pastels to make the cross marks on the Aug. 3 page on the left.

Here I used the pastels to color the yellow behind the flower. It really made the flower pop. I colored it after all of the other paint was there so it was super easy to get in between the petals with the mini pastel.

Here the complete background was done using three different colors of pastels. I scribbled them down, blended with a baby wipe, and then set with Golden Fluid Matte Medium. Also the fabric you see on this page was a find after I created this page. It was just sitting on my desk, and it matched so beautifully that I couldn't not use it. :)

And this background uses two different purple pastels and a navy color. They were all blended to create the background along with some spilled paint I shared about the other day in this post here.

Next time I will share how I use the Dr. Ph. Martin Bombay India Inks to make backgrounds. Stay tuned, and hope you enjoyed today's creations! Blessings,

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  1. All your pages are beautiful Patter,love the vibrant colours! I think my favourite is your God of Wonders page it really expressed the wonderful sentiment !

  2. All your pages are beautiful Patter,love the vibrant colours! I think my favourite is your God of Wonders page it really expressed the wonderful sentiment !

  3. Hi Patter! I am in love with your beautiful work. I am looking for educators to fill the design team of my new book making challenge blog. I would love for you to take a look and consider joining our team:
    It would be a great opportunity to network and draw visits to your blog. I hope to hear from you! Hugs, Autumn Clark


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