Saturday, May 19, 2018

My {New} Journal and a Page

I am taking another class by Roben-Marie Smith called "Salvaged: A Layered Pieces Journal." Click here to see that class. I have made books before, and I love working in them but I also wanted to see how Roben-Marie creates her books. I was not disappointed. I always love taking her classes. Anyway, here is a look at my book after I made it:

To cover the spine, I used my inky fabric that I always have on hand. And the book itself is filled with yummy recycled papers all ready for paint!

So, here is a look at a painted page spread. Originally, the left side was an old security envelope, and the right side was book paper. I used collage, paint, doodling, and art marks on this page.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you will join me tomorrow when I will share another page in this book that I created for the Glory {Art} Rewind study! See you then!


  1. I would love to see your process from beginning to end. Is your flower a stamp or do you free hand it?

  2. Strange's, I have not tried to do a process video as I work only 15 minutes at a time sometimes. I hope to at some point try to do one but not sure when. And the flowers I drew free hand with a paintbrush and Liquitex Acrylic Ink. :)


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