Sunday, December 16, 2018

Scripture {Challenges} and Glory {Art} Studies

Hello wonderful blog subscribers. I cannot believe it is almost Christmas. Where has the year gone? I wanted to take a moment and thank each of you for participating with me for the past 11 years during the Scripture and Glory {Art} Studies. It has been wonderful. At this time, God has not called me to continue with these studies. I hope that you will go back and work on the years you did not complete or join in where you have missed in the past. Here are the links to each year's studies so you can easily find them. You might want to bookmark this page so that you can easily find these links.

2018: Glory {Art} Rewind Study
2017: Glory {Art} Scripture Study
2016: Glory {Art} Scripture Study
2015: Glory {Art} Scripture Study
2014: Scripture Lessons and Lyrics Challenge
2013: Hymn and Scripture Challenge
2012: Hymn and Scripture Challenge
2011: ABC Scripture Challenge
2010: Scripture Challenge
2009: His Holy Name Challenge
2008: Scripture Challenge

God has called me to new things in my local church--one of which is a class He put on my heart called "Holy Leisure." My bestie and I taught it together at our church this past summer testing out the curriculum. It was amazing and received so well. I will be teaching it again in the Spring, and I am also leading another class God also put on my heart called "Craft 'n Connect." I hope to bring bits and pieces of these classes to you here on my blog as God leads me.

In 2019, I plan on crocheting, sewing, doing mixed media art, embroidery, scripture writing, pocket and traditional scrapbooking, etc. I will share these things as I create, and hopefully there is a bit here for everyone to enjoy! I hope you will join me with these fun adventures! Here are just a few things I am working on right now. Be sure to stay tuned for the progress on each of these!

Also, feel free to follow me on Instagram where all of my arts and crafts are always posted. You can find me by clicking here. I pray that you each have a blessed and Merry Christmas! Thank you for stopping by! In Him,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Patter, You have truly been a blessing to me over the many years I have taken part in your Scripture Challenges. The last few months I have not found the time to take part but I may see if I can still eventually create something for those I have missed.
    I had a strong feeling the Lord was calling you away from hosting these challenges as you have been doing them for so long and change is good. What you are doing now sounds so exciting and I am sure those whose lives you will continue to touch will be blessed.
    May you and your loved ones have a Blessed Christmas time and may 2019 bring you all good health and joyful times.
    God Bless


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