Tuesday, January 1, 2019

{ICAD} Galatians 5:25

Happy New Year! One of my goals this year is to finally finish all of my ICADs (Index Card a Day). Some people only do them for a couple of months but I want one for every day of the year! I write the blessing of the day on the back, and there is room for multiple years (maybe 4 or so). I can't wait to get to the point that I will have several years of "blessings" on the back of each card so that I can read them and remember as I write the current day's blessing.

My box is currently a mix of all different dates. I have cards for most of January, most of June, July, and August complete but from that point, I don't have much. The year on each card corresponds to the year that I made that particular card. So for today's card, you will see it is dated January 29, 2019. All other January cards were completed two years ago in 2017. I am just missing Jan. 29-31. So those three cards will have the year 2019 on them. All cards I make this year will have 2019 on them. Looking back, I can see I have been working on these cards sporadically since 2016. How fun is that? And wow, how my style changes. That's fun to watch also.

Anyway, the inspiration for this card came from a class I am taking by Kellee Wynne Studios. The class is free until the end of January. It is a great, great class. I highly recommend it. I find these ICADs to be the perfect small pieces to try new techniques and colors. You can see her class by clicking here.

So, here is my card for today. I try to include scripture on most of my cards as I find it wonderful to read the scriptures as I go through these each year.

Thanks for joining me today, and I pray you have a blessed and wonderful New Year!


  1. Beautiful card. I could not completely follow your dating system for index cards, but it is for your user so that’s what matters. Did you repurpose that verse from OurDaily Bread devotional? The font looks familiar.
    I have a book in which I answer a question daily for five years. Today I begin the fifth year, so it is very like your writing on the same card in subsequent years—-fascinating.to read and compare. Mine are just prose without the visual creativity, though.
    Blessings to you and yours in the new year, Patter! Jennifer in OH

  2. Thanks, Jennifer! I couldn't follow what I wrote either. LOL! I'm sorry. Basically I am filling in the dates I don't have yet. So I have January's cards done from 2 years ago except for Jan. 29, 30, and 31. Today I made the card for Jan. 29. The year is the year that the card was made. Since it's 2019, that's why today's card says Jan. 29, 2019. The previous January cards say 2017 since that's the year I made them. Does that make sense? Then I will make February cards, etc. All cards that I make this year will have the year 2019. Hope this makes more sense. It is confusing. LOL!

  3. I really like this idea, Patter. Might be a better place for me to start rather than a full blown art journal.

  4. Beautiful and inspirational. Thanks.

  5. Oh, and Jennifer, I forgot to add that yes, the scripture is from an Our Daily Bread devotional. :)

  6. Thank you moknowsall and Tania. And yes, starting with something like this would be great before starting a journal. I actual prefer these to an art journal. :)


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