Sunday, March 28, 2010

{Scripture Challenge 2} Challenge Word #7, Perfect

Challenge Word #7: Perfect

As I was driving last week with my daughter, the song “Perfect People” by Natalie Grant came on the radio. I love that song, and as she sang, the word “perfect” really stood out to me. I asked God, “Lord, is this what you want me to share this next week?” Then the next day, we saw something on TV about perfection so I thought then and there that God was confirming that He wants us to look at this word for our study today.

First, if you haven’t heard Natalie’s song, I encourage you to find it on the web and listen to it. It is an amazing song. Here is a look at the first verse and the chorus:

“Perfect People”
Never let 'em see you when you're breaking
Never let 'em see you when you fall
That's how we live and that's how we try
Tell the world you've got it all together
Never let them see what's underneath
Cover it up with a crooked smile
But it only lasts for a little while

There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scared
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God.

Oh such wonderful truth in those words! Have you ever heard someone say that they don’t like Christians because Christians think they are perfect? I know it breaks my heart when I hear it or read it on the web. I know I am not perfect by any means. I am a sinner, and I sin daily. Only in Christ am I made perfect in Him. I love how my Life Application Bible talks about “Perfect Progress.” It says:

“We can grow and mature spiritually as we continue to trust Christ, learn more about Him, draw closer to Him, and obey Him. Our progress is changeable because it depends on our daily walk—at times in life we mature more than at other times. But we are growing toward perfection if we ‘press on’ (Philippians 3:12). These good deeds do not perfect us; rather, as God perfects us, we do good deeds for Him. (see Philippians 3:1-15). All phases of perfection are grounded in faith in Christ and what He has done, not what we can do for Him. We cannot perfect ourselves; only God can work in and through us to ‘carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 1:6).”

We are made perfect in Him. That doesn’t mean we don’t sin; we certainly do daily. We stumble and make wrong choices. I love what James 3:2 says “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” Are you never at fault in what you say? Ouch, I know I certainly stumble there and have to apologize daily and ask for forgiveness daily. I also love what Max Lucado says “When it comes to our position before God, we’re perfect. When He sees each of us, He sees one who has been made perfect through the One who is perfect­—Jesus Christ.”

In our human bodies, we cannot be perfect; however, with God’s help we can try to become more like Him daily as we walk with Him and live for Him. Again, my Life Application Bible says “We can be perfect if our behavior is appropriate for our maturity level­—perfect, yet with much room to grow. Our tendency to sin must never deter us from striving to be more like Christ.” Are you striving to know God more each day and become more like Him? Jesus was sinless and perfect, and He is our perfect example.

For my page today, I chose to use papers from several manufacturers. Be sure to look at my supply list below the photos. I also use the Layers of Color Touch of Elegance stamp set. I stamped my pieces in black ink onto my Basic Grey paper. Then I embossed each piece with clear embossing powder. Papers: Pink Paislee Tinsel Town, Making Memories Flower Ledge Journaling Book, Basic Grey Euphoria, Basic Grey Ambrosia
Stamps: Layers of Color Touch of Elegance
Stamp Ink: Ranger clear EP, Memento tuxedo black, VersaFine onyx black
Embellishments: misc. twill, Making Memories black staples, KaiserCraft rhinestones, Basic Grey micro-chip alpha stickers, Stickles black diamond

The verses I chose for this week are:

2 Samuel 22:33 (and also found in Psalm 18:32) “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”

Philippians 3:12 “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”

I pray that you will look to the Lord daily for Him to change you and grow you into His image. Remember to use Keyword SCRC210 when posting in galleries. Also, feel free to leave a link here for others to see using Mister Linky. I hope you are looking at everyone's work. I know I truly try to and leave comments. Sometimes I get behind but there is SUCH inspiration, and there is nothing like lifting each other up by sharing a little love with each other! Enjoy your time of study, and remember to see all of our previous lessons, visit this post here. I will be back with another study on April 11th. Blessings to each of you,



  1. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on in the Scrapbooking Challenges and Competitions category today [28 Mar 03:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  2. Patter, I am in such awe of how you can write with such meaning. I loved your devotion with this today as I do with all of them. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I actually posted 6 and 7 today.

  3. I really like the way you write your thoughts. They enlighten me in many ways!

  4. Wow, loved your devotion today, its so true :)

  5. Thanks Patter for another wonderful teaching in the thoughts you have shared.
    I do like your art.. the tape measure is "perfect". We will never measure up to Jesus but we don't have to. He doesn't ask us to be perfect - just to love and obey Him.

  6. Just linked my page. Thanks for a great study!

  7. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [07 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  8. Hi Patter! This was a great word...and a really wonderful and personal study for me! Thank you so much! Can't wait to see the next one!...Nancy :o)

  9. hi Patter,
    just linked my page. It always takes me a while to think about what I want to do and the verses I want to use. Thanks for all the work you put into these studies! :)


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