Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday's {Tip} Using Baker's Twine & RAK Winner!

Okay, on Friday I shared how I store my baker's twine. If you missed that post, you can see it here. Many of you asked how to use it so I thought I would share some ideas with you today. Some ways to use baker's twine include:

**crocheting flowers, butterflies, etc.
**tying bows in buttons
**creating flower stems
**making a looped border on layouts and cards (see Rhonda's cute layout here)
**tying tags to layouts and cards
**using it as a border on a card or layout
**wrapping it around a part of a tag, card, or cardstock on a layout

Here is a flower I crocheted using my baker's twine:
Now because the twine doesn't have any "give," I had to make my center ring a bit bigger. You can crochet with it but keep in mind it is a bit stiff but it sure makes a nice embellishment!

Most of you probably remember my card I did for Our Daily Bread Designs where I used the twine as a border on my card: And here is a tag I did with a bit of hemp twine wrapped around the end of the tag:

I hope that gives you some ideas. You can also look at this "twine search" I did on 2Peas in a Bucket. Lots of adorable cards and layouts using twine! And remember, the person I purchased my twine from is not selling it anymore. Search Etsy for some, and I am you will get lots of hits! :)

And now onto our RAK winner of the twine I shared in Friday's post!

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-03-30 12:44:27 UTC

No. 38 belongs to:

CreativeChretin said...
This is funny, cuz' i've had baker's twine on my wish list for awhile. Most of my ribbons and threads are stored in their original packaging and are secured with tape
MARCH 26, 2010 3:23 PM

Huge congrats to you. Please e-mail me with your address so that I can get your spools of twine mailed to you! Thank you all of your sweet comments and ideas! Have a blessed Tuesday everyone!


  1. Great ideas on using the twine. Like how you outlined the card-cute! I really like jute twine and the way you wrapped it around the tag-neat look. tfs

  2. Some great ideas for twine. thanks!


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