Thursday, April 8, 2010

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #21

There are times in our walk with the Lord that we feel closer to Him than others. Today let's look at:

**When do you feel closest to God?

And I love this passage from Exodus when Moses approaches the burning bush:
Exodus 3:5 "'Do not come any closer,' God said. 'Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is Holy ground.'"

Enjoy, and we don't have to see a burning bush to feel close to God. He is in the small things as well as the big things. :) Enjoy your journaling time!


  1. I just wanted to say I love your blog and have added you to my sidebar you are such an inspiration x

  2. I wd like to participate in the Faith journaling Thurs. challenge AND the 2010 Scripture Challenge, but I am a little confused about them. What are the instructions for each (link please). I'm excited about them. Thank you.


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