Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's {Tip} Crinkled Seam Binding

Oh my, for those of you that haven't ever followed Tammy Tutterow, you need to check out this video of hers! She is an amazing artist, and in this video she shows you how to create different colored "ribbons" with Glimmer Mist and how to crinkle it. It is amazing, and looks SO fun. I haven't tried it yet but I am going to give it a try when I buy some seam binding!

Here is the link to her video. Scroll down past her profile to see it. It is only 5 minutes long, and you won't regret watching it! Enjoy, and be sure to let her know how you enjoyed it! Have a blessed Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this tip Patter! I watched the video and just loved it! Now I need one more thing! LOL! Blessings my friend!


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