Friday, July 26, 2013

Organizational {Friday} Cabinet for Mists

Last week after posting the video of my studio tour, I had some questions about items in my room. If you missed the video tour, please click here. I have also created a "quick link" to the video over in the right sidebar of my blog. Anyway, today I wanted to share one of the questions I received and answer it here for you today. Here was the question:

"Love your room and all the sunlight. So well organized, some great ideas. I do have a question about the cabinet you use for paints, sprays, etc.. Where did you find that? Great place to create. Thank you for sharing."

First, thank you all for your kind words. It is a joy to create in this room, and I truly thank God for it each day. And as far as the cabinet, if you remember it looks like this:
Pin It

In the video, I called this "die cut corner." The cabinet is from Spinkeeper. I bought two of these units many years ago—one we use for the family CDs and DVDs and the other is in my studio. This unit is still being sold. You can find it by clicking here. So, what do I keep in this unit? I keep:
  • Acrylic paints
  • Alterable items
  • ATC goodies
  • Burlap rolls
  • Small canvases
  • Sprays and mists
  • String
  • Trims
  • Twine
Here are a few photos:

All mists and paints have a swatch of the color on the top of the lid so that it's easy to find what I need when I open the drawer. The drawers are then labeled with washi tape so it makes it easy for me to find what I need. The colors also look bright and cheery in my room.

I hope you have found this helpful. Please let me know what other questions you have, and have a blessed Friday. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. You are a marvel of organization, Patter! Inspiring (and maybe somewhat daunting), I hope to get some pockets of my life and crafting into better "fingertip order."
    Thanks for sharing this.....Jennifer in Ohio


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I truly do appreciate hearing from you!!!!

I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!