Sunday, December 4, 2011

ABC Scripture Challenge {Word #25}, Yield

Challenge Word #25: Yield

How often do you yield to God’s desire for you? Do you push ahead with your own plan or yield to what He has for you each day? Do you look for the opportunities He puts before you? God gave me our word for this week on Friday as I was at the grocery store. Of course I was in a huge hurry, and I had my own plans for the day—one of which was to get in and out of the grocery store quickly. But God had other plans. I could only yield to His desires and set mine aside. At first I was on the cereal row wondering why I have been so tired and grumpy. I was also telling God that I wanted my joy back. Then I headed over to the produce section, and as I was standing in front of the red peppers I was approached by a lady. The conversation went like this:

Stranger: Hey, how are you today? I am here buying carrots for my rabbits.
Me: Hi, I am fine thanks. I am buying peppers for my parrots.
Stranger: Hey, have you heard that eating red pepper can raise your metabolism?
Me: Yes, I have heard about that.
Stranger: Do you believe it?
Me: Yes, I think it probably does help.
Stranger: Well, you wouldn’t have to worry about it as you don’t have a weight issue.
Me: Well, as a matter of fact, I just lost 48 lbs.
Stranger: You did! Wow, how did you do that?
Me: Weight Watchers and God has helped me to continue to eat right with a scripture.
Stranger: Really? What scripture?
Me: 1 Corinthians 10:23
Stranger: Well, what does that say?
Me: “All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial.” So, I can eat whatever I want but eating too much of it is not beneficial. I still have my real ice cream every night.
Stranger: Wow, that is really interesting. Something to put on Facebook.

I ended up talking to this woman for 15 minutes and inviting her to Bible study. She has 3 boys—two of which are twins—funny we both have multiples and “different” pets. Of course God already knew that! I had SO much to do but God showed me between the cereal row and the produce section that He has the plan, He wastes nothing, and that He is my joy. He completely restored my love and joy for Him all in the space of a few rows in the grocery store but the key was that I had to yield to His leading. Had I not followed through and listened to His leading, I would have missed the joy and the blessing He had for me.

Psalm 85:11-13Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven. The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps.

He alone led me to share but I also had to give Him the glory. Isaiah 48:11b says “. . . I will not yield my glory to another.

He will not yield His glory to anyone or anything else. All glory and honor belongs to Him. I couldn’t give Weight Watchers the credit. It is only God that has kept me straight and losing weight every single week since I began on May 10, 2011.

So, how will you yield to the Lord? How will you let Him use what He has done for you to glorify His name? Will you listen to that indwelling Holy Spirit and yield as He leads instead of pressing on with your own agenda? I encourage you to follow Him and don’t miss the opportunity to be blessed where He may lead you!

For my page today, I used the Psalm 85:11-12 passage quoted above. The two verses are in two different stamps sets by Our Daily Bread Designs—Scripture Collection 6 and Harvest Blessings. I used the number and month tags to remind me that I need to yield to God and His will each and every day. The tags are found in the Cosmo Cricket Odds & Ends pack.

Papers: Cosmo Cricket Odds & Ends, Memory Box Moroccan latte, Paper Trey Ink cs
Our Daily Bread Designs Stamps: Scripture Collection 6, Harvest Blessings
Stamp Ink: Archival Ink library green, Tim Holtz Distress Ink frayed burlap, Ranger clear ep
Embellishments: Spellbinders oval square label die, Glimmer Mist sugar cookie used to dye Hug Snug (seam binding), Tim Holtz tiny attacher, flower from Wild Orchid Crafts, Basic Grey flower embossing folder, sewing machine

As you post your pages, please be sure to use Keyword ABCSCRC11 when posting your creations in any online galleries. Also, please leave a link to your creation here using Inlinkz! To see all of our previous lessons, please visit this post here. And, if you missed the announcement for the 2012 study, be sure to check out this link here. So, will you yield your heart to the Lord today as He leads? Blessings,



  1. Patter, I just love your page and those scriptures. But the story you shared doubly blessed me this morning. Especially the reminder of 1 Corinthians 10:23. I remember that from a previous post you wrote. Congratulations on your weight loss and for encouraging others with the same problem that it can be done. I'm going to print I Corinthians 10:23 out and put it around my home as a reminder. Also, seeking God for the power I need to overcome my weight issue. Thank you for your willingness to listen to what God places on your heart. You have blessed this reader today in more ways than you know. ~ Abby

  2. I got such a blessing reading your post! Actually I get a blessing reading all your posts. :-) They are so inspirational!

  3. Hi Patter! I made it just under the wire! Thanks so much for your wonderful sharing, and your page is fabulous!...Nancy :o)


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