Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's {Tip} A Prayer File

Most of you have seen the prayer box I made back in 2009.  I am still not happy with it. Yes, I am always in a state of wanting to try something different. So, today I am going to share yet another little idea on how to keep track of those prayer requests that you have.  If you missed my previous post, look here. So, now let's now look at my newest idea.

I purchased two of these little beauties at Hobby Lobby. I knew I would find uses for them, and for this one I made it into a prayer file.

These are kind of hard to find within the store (Hobby Lobby). Both times I have found them in different parts of the store but they seem to always be on a display with other home decor. The item number is Item #6919096 if that helps you. They run $8.99 but you can use your 40% off coupon!

Here is my new attempt at using a prayer box/file. I know I love using prayer cards better than using a prayer journal because I can carry cards with me, move them easily to the praise section, and I have plenty of room for notes. With prayer journals, I never leave enough room or I leave too much room.  It drives me crazy to run out of room or have left too much room leftover. Yes, showing the perfectionist in me here. :) Anyway, I also decided to use library cards instead of 3x5 cards. The library cards are so much heavier, and they already have a date column. Love that! I can use the date column for the date of the prayer request, and I am also using that column for scripture addresses. On the back of the card, I am going to put the "praise" when a prayer is answered. I purchased the library cards from amazon.com. You can see them here.  And here is how my prayer file looks all made up:

Box: from Hobby Lobby
Papers: recycled chipboard, library cards from amazon.com
Our Daily Bread Designs Stamps: Never Give Up, Sweet William Small, Mini Tags 3
Stamp Ink: VersaFine onyx black
Embellishments: Tim Holtz mini paper clips, Elle's Studio lined tags, flower from Wild Orchid Crafts, washi tape from cutetape.com, sewing machine

The stamps I used are all from Our Daily Bread Designs:  Never Give Up (the large cross), Sweet William Small (praying and also has a praise stamp), and Mini Tags 3 (praise God). These are stamps I am keeping in my "Frequently Used Stamps" binder. I cut the dividers out of my recycled chipboard I posted about the other day. I sure hope this idea works out better for me. So far I am lovin' it!

I hope this helps some of you with those prayer requests too! Enjoy, and have a blessed Tuesday!



  1. Hi Patter~
    I just went back and looked at your post from 2009 on your prayer box system. I posted a question, I hope you can answer for me. And, now after viewing this beautiful newer project, I have another question. For the space where there is answer to prayer. I am guessing that is not just for when God grants our prayers the way we want, but also when He says "no." Would that be correct, or do you keep praying until a different answer is given? What if you don't hear of an answer? Thank you for looking into this for me. I have been wondering about this for a long time...I just keep my prayer list on notebook paper...and it goes on and on and on. This is much more efficient. Thank you so much!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

  2. Traci, God always answers prayer but in His timing and His way. Thus, if the answer we get is not what we personally want, it is still a praise because God has answered in His perfect way! We can trust that His answer is better even though we may not see it at the time. If he says 'no', well, it's still an answer and the 'no' is the perfect answer because He sees the big picture and we don't. Maybe He is protecting us from something. Maybe He has a better plan that we know nothing about, etc. If we don't hear an answer, well maybe He isn't ready to answer yet. We have to wait patiently for Him. I hope this makes sense. I am not feeling well today thus not sure if this answers your questions. Let me know. Blessings,

  3. Patter this is a fabulous idea!!! Hope I can get to Hobby Lobby soon 'cos I want to do this exact same thing!!!

  4. Patter, thank you so much for sharing this fantastic idea!! I have been going back and forth about how to do my prayer journal - a notebook, a spiral, cards, in evernote. I LOVE this system for one of the reasons you mentioned - it's easy to carry cards with me. I like to be able to write the prayer down as soon as I hear someone's need. I might have to improvise on the drawer since I don't have a Hobby Lobby that I know of close by. I'll be checking my basement first to see if something works and then heading to Michaels if not. Also thanks for the library card idea. I just opened a pack of index cards yesterday and was shocked and disappointed by how thin and flimsy they are. Anyhow just wanted to thank you for sharing!! I may not comment often but know that your blog touches my life in many ways!! Blessings and Hugs!!

  5. Melissa, thanks so much for your sweet words! I too was VERY disappointed at how flimsy the 3x5 cards have become. They are now almost like paper. I have cardstock heavier than 3x5 cards now. The library cards are wonderful for sure! Glad this might work for you, and thanks for stopping by to say 'hi'. You are a blessing, and it was wonderful to "see" you! :)

  6. Patter, this is wonderful! I, too, have used, left behind, used again, then got rid of the prayer journal idea. I like this and plan to repurpose a lovely square milk glass candy dish I have. I couldn't figure out what to do with it, but liked it too much to give it away. NOw it has a job to do. =)
    Thanks for the inspiration x2!!

  7. Just saw this on Pinterest and I love your idea!! Plan on making one for myself and one for a gift.

    Thank you!!!


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