Thursday, April 19, 2012

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #114

On Easter Sunday after passing out the crocheted butterflies to those attending services, my husband and I could not find anywhere to sit in the sanctuary. Well, we did but it was behind a pole, and we could not have seen a thing. Rather than look at a pole, we decided to try the Contemplative TaizĂ© Style Communion Service that our church also has each Sunday. We have never attended this particular service, and we figured our small sanctuary would be packed for that service too. Thankfully it was not. So, we stayed and enjoyed the service.  A TaizĂ© service is a quiet, meditative service with repetitive chanting songs, prayers, guided meditation and communion. It was different but still a blessing to worship with our Lord.  So today,

**Does your church have different types of services? If so, what are they, which have you attended, and what is your favorite service?

Psalm 29:2 "Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness."

Enjoy your journaling time, and to see all of our previous {Faith Journaling} questions, please look here. Blessings to you,

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