Friday, April 20, 2012

Organizational {Friday} Organizing Techniques

Did you ever think you might need to organize techniques that you learn? Well, recently I attended an online class with Tim Holtz. The techniques were amazing. I also have other great techniques that I have learned in other classes that I need to keep track of too. I was printing out sheets and keeping them in a binder but I am getting SO many binders and running out of shelf space. One thing Tim does that I love is that he recommends you create a sample tag and put the instructions on the back.  Tim uses the Ranger Inkssentials Manila #8 tags for his samples. Well, I started a few sample tags but then I wondered how I would store them. The #8 tags are so large. I have some of the #5 tags and love them but I still didn't know how I would store them. So, I decided to try an ATC card to see if they were thick enough for the technique and similar to the Ranger tags that Tim uses. And guess what? They worked beautifully! So today I wanted to show you what I did with my ATCs and how I will store all of my techniques learned in classes (whether online or in person).

Create your Technique ATC
First, you need to try the technique on an ATC card. This is a great way to practice and see how you like the technique too! Here is one of my "trial cards." You can see how I tried the technique on the ATC first, and then I used the technique again to make a card. For details on how I made this particular card, look here on my Memory Box blog.

Pin It

Once your sample cards are done, put the technique instructions on the back of each ATC.

Storing your Techniques
To store, I am keeping them on another 7Gypsies ATC holder that I had on hand. I have several of these and LOVE them! If you haven't ever seen one of my "full" ATC holders, here is the one I did for my Scripture Challenge back in 2008.

For my ATC supplies, I always get them from Lisa at Your ATC Store. She has tons of goodies, great prices, and excellent customer service!

So, store your technique cards on this wonderful holder. I don't have all of Tim's techniques done yet but here are a few plus some other random ones:

It is super easy to flip through, find a fun technique, and use it for a paper creation! Better yet, challenge yourself by spinning the ATC holder, and use the technique that lands in front of you. This is so much easier to use and see than a binder. I am loving this!

And now, get ready because over the next few weeks, I am going to be showing some other goodies that are going on this ATC holder. If you don't have an ATC holder and cards, now is the time to get them so you can join in and create yours with me! Start with the techniques, and then you will see what comes next. Just think "swatch holder." :) Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a great idea of having instructions and techniques right at your fingertip... but it doesn't seem like you can fit a lot of typed instruction on one little ATC card. Do you have any suggestions for a lengthy technique?

  2. Paula, I use a very small font and only the important details. Usually I can figure out a lot of it but putting the web link to the actual tutorial can be helpful too if there is no way to "shrink" the instructions. :) Hope that helps.

  3. Great idea! I always do better when I have something to look at and can replicate. :)

  4. What a great idea Patter! I took that class as well and I love the idea of putting the instructions on the back of the tag - the ATC idea is WONDERFUL! Looks like I need to get another holder :)


  5. Fabulous idea!! I love this

  6. Great idea, thanks for sharing!!

  7. I love this holder! What a cool idea.

  8. Thanks for the tips Patter. I am definately trying your organizatonal technique! What are the notched cards you use? I found the other supplies at Your ATC Store, but I'm having trouble finding the cards that fit on the revolving holder. Many thanks. Paula.


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