Saturday, June 21, 2014

Update on Sue of {Stampin' Things}

Hello sweet blog readers! I wanted to let you know that I just talked to Sue Nagelmy sweet friend of Stampin' Things. If you remember I posted about her cancer and a benefit for her back in April. You can read that blog post here as it contains a lot of information and an address for Sue. Anyway, Sue asked that I post and thank you all SO very much for the cards, love, and prayers for her and her family. She had a PET scan three weeks ago and the tumors are shrinking, and she is getting stronger. It is only by God's amazing healing that this is happening! Sue sounded good though she has days where she doesn't feel like doing much. Please continue to keep her in your prayers, and if you feel led, I am sure she would still love to receive a card. Click here for her address. Thank you all again for your continue love and prayers! Blessings,

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