Monday, September 1, 2014

{20 Years} Ago Today!

Twenty years ago today, I had a regular OB appointment.

Twenty years ago today, I was excited to get my favorite chocolate milkshake from Burger King after my appointment. It was my treat for getting out and off of bedrest for the day.

Twenty years ago today, we were told that Baby A had died.

Twenty years ago today, the perinatologist said he would deliver the babies on September 2nd since Baby A was already gone.

Twenty years ago today, my OB spoke up and said "No, what are you doing for lunch? These babies are being born now."

Twenty years ago today, I was rushed in for an emergency c-section at 33 1/2 weeks.

Twenty years ago today, I did not get my chocolate milkshake but we got the three greatest blessings we could EVER hope to have in our livesour beautiful, amazing daughters! And Baby A was still with us!

At 4 Weeks Old (first group photo)

Age 5

Saturday (at almost 20)
They have very "sun sensitive" eyes so our photo shoot did not work. Baby C (on the right) was consoling Baby A (middle). 

Father, I thank you for intervening that day. Had the babies not been born that day, Baby A would not be here today. She would never had made it to September 2nd. You knew that. We didn't know You, Father, at the time but you created us. You created these beautiful girls, and you have huge plans for them. I am so thankful that you drew me unto Yourself so that I might not only know You but that the girls have learned about You and come to know You for themselves as their personal Lord and Savior. There is no greater gift in my life than the sacrifice of Your son for my sins and the beautiful gift of these three amazing, amazing women. Thank you, Father, for your immeasureable gifts to us! Amen!

How we love these girls tremendously! Happy 20th Birthday precious girls!!! We miss you and love you dearly!!!!


  1. Doxology!!! I praise and thank God for you and your dear family, Patter. Jennifer in Ohio

    P.S. Want a chocolate shake?

  2. God is Awesome!!! Happy Birthday to your girls!!

  3. What a beautiful post Patter! Happy Birthday to the girls, and what a wonderful testimony to God's mercy and grace! Rejoicing with you in these three precious lives he's entrusted to you to raise and love!

  4. God is so good! Precious testimony of His love! Thank you for sharing. Beautiful girls!

  5. Beautiful babies, and beatiful girls - what a wonderful miracle and blessing to you. Happy birthday to them


  7. Happy Birthday to your 3 beautiful daughters!!

  8. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

    v 11, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

    This is what came to mind as I read your post this morning! What a beautiful story, and what a loving God we serve! Thank you for sharing! Your story blessed me!

  9. Wonderful post! Happy Birthday to your beautiful girls! And happy "mama" day to you! Blessings!

  10. Your girls are such a blessing and such miracles, Patter. Your story and reflection back, has me in tears. Happy birthday to your sweet girls!

  11. Hi Patter, thanks for sharing this post. It's so exciting to know that all 3 babies survived and that they're such a blessing to you now. Happy birthday to your girls. Hope you have an awesome day together!

  12. go have that Chocolate Shake...TFS.

    Stampin' HUGZ

  13. What a beautiful testament to God's love and grace! Happy birthday to your beautiful girls!

  14. Patter aren't you glad that we serve an all knowing God. What a blessing he gave to you and thanks so much for sharing this blessing with us.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Happy birthday to your 3 beautiful girls !

  17. What an awesome family story. Happy birthday to you too for being the mom of such amazing girls.

  18. Happy Belated Birthday to your there lovely blessings, Patter!


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