Sunday, February 7, 2016

Art {Journaling} Trust Him

Last year my One Little Word was 'Trust'. This year it is 'Renew'. If you missed my Renew Art {Journaling} page, click here. Since my daughter's open heart surgery is coming up in less than a week, I wanted to remember not only that He will renew me and strengthen me but that I am to trust Him completely in the difficult days ahead. I used the scripture:

Psalm 84:12 "Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You."

I am blessed to be able to trust Him completely, to know that He is the Great Physician and that He holds my daughter in the palm of His hands.

The background was done with my inky paper. It's the newsprint paper that sits on my desk as I create. It gets really messy but then it's fun to use like I did today. Sure makes for a quick background!

Papers: Amy Tangerine Plus One Assistant, underpaper 
Stamps: Tim Holtz Worn Text 
Stamp Ink: Hero Hues India ink 
Paints: Golden Open Acrylic teal and chromium oxide green, Martha Stewart Satin date night pink 
Tools: Tim Holtz Cargo stencil, hotel key, scissors 
Embellishments: correction pen, Uni Posca paint pens (black and mint green), Liquitex gesso, misc. washi

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a blessed week!

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  1. I have been following your journaling pages for some time now but never commented. I have been prompted to do so now. You, your family and the medical team are in my prayers. God is mighty!

  2. I enjoy your art work and themed studies so much. As your daughter's heart surgery approaches I'm sure that there is so much in your heart and on your mind that you aren't able to share publicly on your blog. Please know that many of us out here are praying for your daughter, your family, the doctors, and everyone involved. Stay strong. Our God is able to do wonders and miracles beyond our imagination!

  3. I look at your page and see a background storm and the flags of the Word are the calm. Hoping you will gain that benefit and sending positive prayers your way. xoxo

  4. Wonderful page and I love the newsprint banner saying 'Trust' like its flying in the wind above all else. Bless you. I pray the operation is a complete success and your daughter recovers very quickly.

  5. Thank you all so very much for your words and prayers. Aimeslee and Susan, love your interpretation of the page. It is perfect, and I thank you so much for sharing with me!!


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