Sunday, January 8, 2017

{ICAD} Jan. 1-7, 2017

So, do you remember the Index Cards a Day that I did last summer? If not, click here. I did not complete the year but I absolutely loved doing them. I just got too busy. So, I will see how many I can get done this year. One year I hope to have all 365 of them complete. LOL! 

Today I wanted to share the first week of January with you. And if you remember, on the back of each card I write the blessing for that day. I do dictate those into a note in my phone so that I remember them. That way I am not pressured to create one each day and remember the blessing. I may create several of these cards on one day, and the blessings are in my phone so I can't forget. When I have an entire years' worth of cards, I will love being able add the blessings to the back and seeing the blessings from the previous years. So without further chatter, here are my first seven:

Stencil Girls Stencils: Sea of Skiffs, Sacred Words and Marks, Illegible

I hope you have enjoyed these. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to share more soon!

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  1. I enjoy these! Thanks so much. Beautiful cards and sentiments.
    You make me want to set up the sewing machine from where it's packed away.
    --Jennifer in OH

  2. These are wonderful. It's such a great way to read scripture and remember our blessings. Than you for posting about this. I would love to try this, too. Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. These are absolutely beautiful!!!! How do you remember all these different quotes and Bible verses??? Also, do you print these off the computer?? I do remember that you had said that you used a typewriter, but some of these don't look like a typewriter was used. Do you have to make sure that the blessing for that day is matched up with its card?? I would love to do this, but just getting a journal page done every now and then keeps me busy. Great job!!!!!

  4. Thank you all for your sweet words. I really hope my girls will divide these up and keep someday when I am gone.

    And jennifer delauter, some of the quotes and verses are done on the typewriter, some are stamps, the 'blessings' one is a stencil, and there is also a sticker on one. I use a variety of things. And as far as matching the day's blessing with the quote, no, I don't worry about that. Each year will be different too so I think that would be impossible. I just choose quotes and scriptures I come across that I love. To find them, sometimes it's ones I see in a devotion or on the web, sometimes I search for them (like Pooh), and others I just raid my stamp stash. LOL! Let me know if you have more questions. Have a blessed afternoon!

  5. They're beautiful Patter, glad you'll be making these again !

  6. I love your art and was pleasantly surprised when I saw some of your ICADS on the weekly email I get from Stamp/Scrapbook Expo. Very nice! Here's the link in case you don't already have it:


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