Sunday, January 1, 2017

Glory {Art} Scripture Challenge 2017 Addition!

As I have been thinking about our upcoming challenge, I want as many people to participate as possible. Studying God's word can only benefit each of us, and I know that some of you do not want to create anything for this challenge. As I stated in the original post (click here to see that), you do not have to create anything to participate:

"If You Participate, Do You Have to Create Something? 
Absolutely not! :) You can just study God's Word and keep notes. You do not have to create a thing! I personally love the creating part and someday my kids can have these creations too as part of my faith legacy. For those of you not creating, you may just want to keep a journal with your study notes. Those too will be treasures for the generations to come."

However, I thought it would be fun to add something new and different to our study this year for those that do not want to create. I mentioned in my original post about keeping a journal. Well, I have decided that I will also include a "Journaling Prompt" with each study. You can use this prompt for your journaling. Any journal will do. The two journals I love to use are below. The first is a leather journal from Amazon. Click here to order the leather journal, or search on leather journal to see many other options. This is just one of the cheaper ones. :)

The other journal I love to use is a 5 1/2 x 5 1/2 Global Arts drawing book also purchased from Amazon. Click here to order this journal. And you can see below that I do have art alongside the journaling. You do not have to include any art; it's just part of what I love to do. Click here to see the post about my journaling below.

So, I hope this new addition of a "Journaling Prompt" is something that you will enjoy! Can't wait to get started on January 15th. Happy New Year to each of you!

1 comment:

  1. Patter, I am so pleased that you are continuing to offer these spiritual prompts each year. I truly hope that I can participate in some form this year. God Bless


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