Friday, July 9, 2010

Organizational {Friday} Finally My Room Reveal!

Well, it has been a few months in coming but I have finallly gotten my new room done. If you missed my "moving post," feel free to look here. So today, I am sharing photos--lots of them! I don't have a wide-angle lens so it has been a bit hard to get photos but hopefully you will enjoy it. My room basically has three sections--the craft area, the sewing area, and my office area. As you read through, I have included links to older posts where I share specifics about a particular storage item. Click on the link to look at that piece in greater detail. Now, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let's get started!

The Craft Area
This is part of my craft area. The first photo shows my desk by Scrap 'n Cube, my paper rack, and my Stampin' Things unit with my inks, Stickles, and ink refill bottles. It also shows my Univenture binders and Sizzix boxes where I store my unmounted stamps and my Memory Box stamps. These pieces below are next to my Stampin' Things unit. You can probably see by comparing the photo above with this one where these pieces are in relation to the other furniture. In the closed baskets I store my old foam stamps, more fabric, and other things that I don't need to acccess very often. The basket on top is my "in basket." I throw things in there that come in the mail or that belong in my office but I don't have time to put away at the moment. It's a great and handy basket!
This wonderful piece of furniture replaces my toy bin that I had in my old space. I found this at Hobby Lobby, and I absolutely love it! It sits at the end of my office desk facing the window. I keep my Big Shot on top, and it is SO easy to do my die cutting here!
The four smaller drawers contain my 6x6 paper pads and alterable items. These drawers are the perfect size for my paper pads. Should I share that three of the four drawers contain paper? Eeeek! :)
Then one of larger drawers contains chipboard alphabets and other smaller embellishments. The other large drawer contains my larger tools--Quickutz Squeeze, Bind-it-All, crimper, etc.
And here you can see a part of my new Basic Grey Blush curtains. It was VERY hard to take photos of my window because of the glare. You will see a dreadful picture below when you see my office space! My window measures 72" across and 85" high so I get very nice light in my room.And next, my magazine basket! This basket matches the one that sits on top of my closed baskets with the fabric and foam stamps. It is larger but the same style. I keep my crafty magazines in here. Yes, you can probably see I have many that haven't been looked at yet. I am just swamped all of the time, and maybe someday I will get through them all.
I do throw my magazines out when I am done. I used to tear out the ideas I loved, and I kept them in a binder but I found I wasn't going back to reference those ideas. There are always new and fun ideas on the web and in newer magazines so I gave up on the reference binder.

The Sewing Area

Basically in this part of my room I have a dresser that I got years ago from Bombay Co. Goodness, I wish they were still in business. I love their furniture. Anyway, I have the dresser and my sewing cabinet. The dresser contains photos and fabric! And believe me it is full! Then as you can see, I have my Clip-it Up on my sewing cabinet. I was going to keep my cabinet closed because it looks so nice closed; however, then I don't sew on my creations as much. I love having my machine out so I can use it quickly anytime I want now. Love that!

On the wall I have 5 sewing patterns from 1949. I have Basic Grey Blush fabric behind each pattern, and this is the fabric that my curtains are made out of too! Rebekah Williams shared the sewing pattern idea on her blog a year or so ago, and I loved it so I knew I wanted to do that in my room. I also have a cross stitch pattern I completed in 1991. Who would have known when I stitched it that it would go so perfectly in my room! Yeah!I also keep some of my idea books and sewing books on top of the dresser. I have some other idea books in other parts of the house. They just wouldn't all fit in my room but I can't bear to part with them! The Office
This dreadful picture shows "the office side" of my room. Sorry for the glare from the window. I had a terrible time with this photo thus this is the only photo of this part of the room. Anyway, you can see the Hobby Lobby drawer unit at the end of my desk by the window. Believe it or not, there is room for me to stand over there. :)
My office desk faces the craft area. I love looking at all of the colors from my papers, Copics, inks, etc., as I sit at my desk. So joyful to look at!

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my little tour. If you have specific questions about anything, feel free to ask in the comment section. If there are a lot of questions, I will do another post; otherwise, I will just answer individually back in the comment section. :) And remember to see all of my organizational posts, please see the link list here.

**Update 7/16/10: I have posted a "question/answer" post. You can see it here. I hope you find it helpful also! Thanks everyone!

Have a blessed weekend everyone!


  1. Wow! Patter, it looks great! What a beautiful space & obviously well organized. :D I love the colors you chose. Thanks for taking the time to give us this tour. I've been looking forward to this. I'm so happy for you that you have it all done.

  2. Wow Patter! Awesome craft space! I only see one problem! And that is my room doesn't look like that! LOL! I need you to come do my room now! I'm glad you shared your awesome space with us! Thank You! I was really waiting to see your new space! And I wasn't disappointed! Awesome!!!!!

  3. what a blessing...I am in true aaaahhhh....very happy for you...can't wait to see what comes out of there!

    enjoy *~*

  4. Amazing! I do have a question though. How do you remember what you have? Things like papers and alterables and such? Or is it a treasure hunt each time and you work with what you find? I have a lot of supplies and it is the one thing I have struggled with. I end up buying more and not using what I have.

  5. Beautiful "haven" to enjoy something you love to do - creating! I love how you matched the curtains to the pictures on your wall, and may start looking around yard sales for old sewing pattern pictures! :-)

  6. I love, love, love the pattern envelopes on the wall! I'm just reorganizing my scrap room to include some sewing, so might have to copy that idea! (Hope that's okay with you)

  7. Well it's really great, it's almost like a shop. It's a pity I don't live closeby, otherwise I would come over and shop with you ;-)

  8. Fabulous Patter, absolutely fabulous! Love your room. I have begun the process of taking an inventory thanks to you, and I am actually enjoying the process --- finding so many items that I forgot I had. Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous ideas and showing us your room.

  9. PATTER! OMG! I haven't been to your blog in the longest time ever! :) The room looks GREAT! I think you need to come to my house and do that!

  10. I'm looking on my phone, so it's hard to tell-what are the small drawers on you desk? Vintage?

  11. oh i am so thrilled you are all set up and loving you new area :) you always give the best organization tips and i thank you :)
    ok i have just one question........... how do you reach your stamps on top of the drawers?? i know your "closer to the ground" lol sorry couldn't help wondering ;)

    enjoy your new room and looking forward to seeing all the goodies you create.

  12. WOW!! Your room is beautiful! I love how you have it layed out and the new furniture item from Hobby Lobby is just wonderful. I would love to have that.

  13. That is one amazing did such a nice job!

  14. Oh, y'all are too sweet! I am glad you love it as much as I do! And I have decided to do a "question/answer" post next Friday. So, as you post your questions be sure to stop back next Friday for the answer post. :) Thanks everyone!

  15. I always enjoy your Organizational Fridays, and today was a real treat! Your office is absolutely amazing! I know what your mean about sitting back and looking at all your stuff! Sometimes, when I am in a rut, I will just sit in my room and just look around, sometimes I find something to inspire me! But, I would never leave your room!
    What are all those wonderful drawers above your craft desk? They are like the hutch part of your desk. Are they a part of your desk? I love them!
    Thanks for the tour! I enjoyed it and always get great ideas from you! I love those vintage patterns in frames!

  16. Wow Patter! What an incredible space! I love it... you did such a good job! Hope all is well. Miss you!

  17. Gorgeous Patter!!! It looks so "designer" and stylish.... super space! Enjoy it!

  18. OHHH Patter...this is SO YOU! :) TOTALLY AMAZING! :) FYI, I have a "Patter" file that all your email updates go in and this one will definitely be highlighted! Your curtains are FABULOUS too, BTW! Enjoy your piece of Heaven! ;)


  19. Your room is gorgeous Patter! I love the antique spool cabinet & the vintage dresser!

  20. What a wonderful job. You should submit to CK magazine, I know they do articles on scrap spaces. This would be perfect!

  21. Your room looks amazing Patter. I used to collect ideas from my magazines too but then never looked back at them so I dont bother anymore. I dont throw the magazines out though. I take them to my local Dr Surgery and leave them in the coffee area for people to read whilst they wait to see the Dr.

  22. Beautiful room! A crafter's dream!

  23. LOve the vintage sewing patterns you framed! great idea!

  24. Patter, girl, can I move in with you? :D:D:D:D Oh my oodness, what an awesome room!!! I love that you are super day...maybe one day I will have a room lik this, a girl can dream, right? Love those new curtains and all of those furniture pieces you found at Hobby Lobby....WOW!! I see I need to make a trip to TX,LOL! Thanks for sharing this awesome space...I am still drooling!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  25. haven't read all the comments, but maybe you could photograph your curtains at night with the flash? would love to see a bigger view of them. great and amazing room! thanks for always sharing everything with us!

  26. I love your room!
    I was wondering where you got the box of cubbies that sits on your desk next to the laptop. I love it!!

  27. What a wonderful room. Two questions..
    Is your husband a saint?

    Is it always cleaned up or do you get it messed up after your projects?

  28. Soooo lovely! I love your Organizational wouldn't know it from looking at my little corner of our den right now!

  29. Wow Patter!! Your room is incredible!! Love all your organizational items and how everything has its place!! Beautiful space to work in. As Sabrina said...I am drooling. I can only dream of having a space like this.

  30. Oh Patter ACK! What a gorgeous room! You've combined so many old and new things that just work beautifully together. What organization girl! NOT to be inspired in this place!

    And your curtains are yummy!

  31. Your space is fabulous! I love all the drawers. And the framed pattern idea is awesome. I really want to redo my room, but can't get up enough energy to do so. One of these days maybe.

  32. I've been waiting for this post Patter. Lovely room and it's a total inspiration to me. I know you put a lot of hard work into this and it's definitely paid off! God bless you.

  33. I just wanted to let you know that I saw a link to your blog on and fell in love with it as soon as I clicked the link. Your creations are wonderful and beautiful. Plus I LOVE your organization methods. I just started re-organizing my scraproom and found a few of your methods extremely helpful. I plan on using your rolodex method for stamp storage/indexing.

    I can't wait to continue following your blog.

    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  34. You've done a wonderful job arranging and organizing!

    I have a question about the unit with drawers that you found at Hobby Lobby: how long ago did you find that? I've never seen it before....oh, and do you remember which HL you found it at?

  35. Wow! All I have is a closet to keep my things in! NO, it's not even a walk in closet. It's very hard to grab what you need when you can't store it in easy to get to spaces. I'd be in Heaven with a room like that :)

    How many scrapbooks full of layouts do you have?

  36. WOW! Your craft room is amazing and inspiring! I wonder how you get time to do any craft with TRIPLETS! I also have triplets (2yo at the moment) and a 6yo...I definately don't get much time to scrap! A room like yours though, would be a dream come true!!

  37. Great looking craft room. Wish mine looked that great!

  38. THANK YOU! I came across one of your posts on Splitcoast in regards to organizing your craft room...4+ hours later I've read all of your posts!!! I had just started tackling my room and am so glad to have stumbled upon this. Your ideas are clever, affordable, and I love how you've "updated" when you've found new ways. I look forward to future organizing posts, as well as enjoying your artwork. I'm not sure how you find time to do all of this + design with TRIPLETS--you are truly blessed! Thanks again!

  39. posted your room. You should do great crafts in such a nice room. Good luck to you and your family. I admire anyone that home schools.

  40. Your room is wonderful Patter. So organized. Thanks so much for sharing. You've inspired me. ~ Abby ~

  41. You did such a beautiful job with this space. Love the furniture. TFS!!!

  42. What a great room. I love the desk. It looks like a cool command center. Thanks for pointing us to it on two peas!

  43. Wow. Came here from a link from the Counterfit Kit blog and wow! our craft room is amazing! I am very jealous! :)

    It must be a wonderful environment in which to create. :)



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I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!