Friday, September 20, 2013

Organization {Friday} PL Just Add Color and Overlays

Happy Friday everyone! Normally I would not do a Project Life "edition specific" post but I think this newest kit deserves a post of its own. :) Here is what arrived at my house on Tuesday:
For those of you that got this new kit, Just Add Color, from HSN, you know it's a bit different. There are the normal 4x6 cards in the kit but there are also 2x2 and 4x4 cards. This poses a bit of a new storage problem to my already wonderful Project Life storage that I love. Let's look at what I decided to do.

The Cards
First I had to figure out how these cards would fit within my already organized Project Life cart (the IKEA Raskog cart). You can see my post about that here. There is a nice tray that comes in this new kit box, and it accommodates all of the new 2x2 and 4x4 cards beautifully. However, I did not have room in my cart to add that large tray since my cart is full.

So, I decided to take a small tray from a Project Life mini edition and use that. I played with it before removing the plastic wrap from the cards to make sure it would work. By looking at it, I realized my plan would work.

As you can see, I turned the mini tray sideways. This is then able to hold both the 2x2 and 4x4 cards beautifully, and best of all it fits in my cart! The 4x6 cards were not a problem because they fit in with all of my other 4x6 cards that are already in the cart.

Once I removed the plastic wrap, I went through all of the cards and created 4 sets of cards:

*Date cards
*Title cards
*Journaling cards
*4x4 cards

Once the cards were sorted, I used a rubberband for the 2x2 card sets because they are a bit tiny, and I didn't want to drop them and have to sort them again. The rubberband also keeps them nice in the tray and makes it easy to grab the set I want.

I also added the library divider card with the edition name. Then I put it all on the bottom tray of the Raskog cart. I am so excited this worked so well with the system I already have in place. I truly love it.

The Overlays
Now for the overlays. These are awesome, and were also sold by HSN but they sold out. I got them because they will work perfect for my scrapbook pages and my PL albums. I am so thankful I got them because they are better than I was expecting! Anyway, I am storing these in the same Iris Photo 4''X6'' Cases that I shared last week for my photo organization. If you missed that post, click here.

All 60 of the overlays fit perfectly in this case. I then put the case on the bottom shelf of my Raskog cart also along with the other photo cases. This box will keep the overlays neat, and then they are also easy to grab when I want to use them.

And just a last note, for those of you that got this kit, I have come to realize that these 2x2 cards are even more versatile than I thought. I will probably use them a lot on cards, layouts, and of course Project Life. They will also be cute to add on top of the regular 3x4 cards. They really are better than I imagined they would be. I think this may be my favorite set thus far!  

I hope today's post has been helpful. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings,


  1. So cool patter! Thanks for sharing!

  2. GREAT post as usual Patter. This really does look like a FUN kit. Can't wait to see what you do with it...Woo Hoo! Hugs ~ Janet


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