Sunday, January 11, 2015

{Glory Art} Scripture Challenge 2015 Study and Art Links

This year as we study, I will update this page with a link to each challenge for easy reference! There will also be links to the Glory Art {Tips} so you can find them quickly also (see these at the bottom of this post). You may want to bookmark this post. Studies will be posted usually by 5 p.m. Eastern time twice a month. This will be your one resource page for the entire year's study! I hope this is helpful to you! Blessings,

{Glory Art} Scripture Challenges 2015

Study Information (Click here for complete information on this study. I would love for you to join us at any time!)

2015 Scripture Lessons and Lyrics Challenge Links:
Challenge 1: Trust
Challenge 2: Representative
Challenge 3: Truth
Challenge 4: Wisdom
Challenge 5: Not Alone
Challenge 6: Follower
Challenge 7: Anxious
Challenge 8: Intercessory Prayer
Challenge 9: Hope and Rest
Challenge 10: Still
Challenge 11: Share
Challenge 12: God's Will
Challenge 13: Religion
Challenge 14Maturity
Challenge 15: Christ-Esteem
Challenge 16Humility
Challenge 17Discouraged
Challenge 18Thankful
Challenge 19Disputable Matters
Challenge 20Truth for Living
Challenge 21: His Gift and His Love

Glory Art {Tips}
Tip 1: Crayola Twistables and Newsprint Paper
Tip 2: Using Envelopes for Texture
Tip 3: Step-by-Step Art Journaling Page
Tip 4: A Make-up Sponge and a Flip Flop
Tip 5: Collage Paper
Tip 6: Another Step-by-Step Art Journaling Page
Tip 7: Painting and Sticker Packs
Tip 8: Maturity Step-by-Step Art Journaling Page
Tip 9: Christ-Esteem Step-by-Step Art Journaling Page

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I have had to turn "comment moderation" on because I am getting too much spam. I will get your comment posted quickly. Thank you for sharing your comments, and have a blessed and joyous day!