Friday, January 2, 2009

Scripture Challenge 2009 Blinkie!

Okay, you asked for it! I created a new blinkie for those of you participating in the Scripture Challenge in 2009. Feel free to post it to your blogs, signature lines, wherever (or not at all). :) I hope you like it! Anyway, scroll down my blog and look at the left hand side of the page. The code is there for you to copy and use. Have fun!


Flair Girl said...

This is awesome-I cant wait to add it-but I dont know how! lol. Where do we paste the code?

Patter Cross said...

Glad you like it Brynn! To paste the code, go to your layout of your blog and add a new html gadget. You will paste the code there and save. It should work. Let me know if it doesn't. :) Blessings,

Bonnie said...

YAY!! Thank you!! Now just to have, open, open.

Michelle said...

Thanks, Patter! I added this one, too.

krista said...

thanks for the blinkies! this will be the first time i participate in the challenges....i'm excited and and can't wait to get started!!!!


JazzyH said...

This is great. I am going to install the blinkie. I can't wait to start.

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