Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tuesday's {Tip}

So, I got a new camera for Christmas. I LOVE photography! I was blessed to be able to take the photos for our church's VBS a few years ago. There were over 400 kids, and I got some amazing shots. I love taking candid photos! No portraits please. :) Anyway, my camera is a little overwhelming but I wanted something that I could use if I decide to open a photography business (candid children's photography and/or birth photography). I really should take a class to learn more but right now I just do not have time. Well, did you know that 2Peas in a Bucket posted a 12-week photography class? I didn't! It looks great for a starter! I saved all of the files to my machine, and I am going to print the classes and store in a binder. All of the classes can be found here. I am excited about this, and I hope it will help you too!

And on another "photo note," I found these great cheat sheets that you can keep in your camera bag! They have them for all Canons, Nikons, Fuji, some flashes, etc. I ordered one, and then I found out that my uncle has been using these for a while! I have received it, and I LOVE it! Definitely worth the $10! It's like having your manual with you but on one piece of laminated paper. Easy to read and understand too! You can find them here. Just use the drop down box to find your camera!

Enjoy everyone, and I hope this will help all of us in our quest for better photos!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all of the info! I didn't realize twopeas was doing that! I love photography! I took 3 years of b&w darkroom photography in high school and wish I would have continued. Too bad we don't live closer! We could totally get together!

Flabbernoogles said...

Great info! Thanks for sharing. I'll check and see if they have my camera for the cheat sheets.

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