Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lightening Strike!!

Last night we had a lightening bolt hit near the house. We had several things go out one of which is our Internet. I am trying to post this short message from my iPhone. It's very difficult to say the least. I will post when I can & email when I can. Everything is out. I would love your prayers please. Thanks everyone & have a blessed Tuesday.


Sandy O said...

WOW, that is horrible. Thank the Lord it did not hit your house!

Sammy Jo said...

It sounds like, thankfully, your family is safe. What an experience. Prayers for you and your family!

April said...

Wow Patter, how scary! I'm so glad you're all ok...
- April

Verona said...

Thank God your house didn't catch fire. We had it happen once to us, burnt out the A/C and had no electricity all night and we had 8 people visiting and spending the night. It will be a hassle, getting things repaired. Will be praying for you. We drove up I-35 Sunday afternoon from SA to FT.W. What a test of patience! :)

seamom said...

Praying that all will be back to normal QUICK! And that nothing is damaged as a result of the lightening.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Patter! How scary! I am glad that you are all okay and pray the rest of the night went okay! Please update. Hugs,

Linda said...

So sorry to hear your news, thank God all of you are safe. Things can be replaced, hurry back but please know you and your family are in my prayers.

Traci S. said...

Oh, Patter~

I am praying for you and this situation. I am grateful you are all safe. I pray that things will be handled quickly, and that the internet will be up to speed soon, so that you can continue to minister to your readers, sharing about His Love for each of us...even when times are rough. (Just a little reminder for you, my friend!)

He IS Able, <--Remember that!
Traci S.

Anonymous said...

HUGS! We had that happen to us last month! It fried our TV, modem, phone line and a few other bits. Luckily we've learned to unplug the computers when lightning starts so those were fine. I hope it isn't bad and everything gets back to normal quickly!!!

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