Okay, I hope you don't laugh but today I wanted to share how I am storing my heat tool. Yes, the organizational posts will be few in coming as I complete my new room but I am SO excited about my "find" that I wanted to share this with you.
First, heat tools can be very dangerous. I think of it like I would a flat iron or curling iron. It's something I always want to unplug immediately after use. I have heard of heat tools falling, getting switched on, and starting fires. Now I think my old heat tool could have done that easily but I am not sure my current heat tool could do that but I certainly treat it that way!
Anyway, as I was unpacking yet another box, I came across my old drink and trash holder that I purchased probably 12+ years ago. It was called the Chatterbox Tag-A-Long. Anyone remember these or still have one? Another company sells them now, and it's called The ScrapMaBob. You can search the web as it seems many stores have them even amazon.com and Wal-Mart.
Well, I quit using this little beauty a while ago so I put it up in storage. I forgot about it until I unpacked it. As I pulled it out of the box, I knew immediately what I wanted to use it for--my heat tool! I don't keep drinks at my desk while I am working so I didn't need it for that. I keep my drink somewhere else in my room so this little beauty has now become my "heat tool holder." I LOVE it! It's so handy to grab and use and put away! And because the holder is metal, I don't have to worry about my heat tool still being hot when I put it down. So, if you have one of these laying around, you might want to think about pulling it back out and using it for your heat tool! I love re-purposing stuff, and this one has been great thus far!
So look around and see what metal holder you might have lying around that you could clamp to your desk and use for your heat tool! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope this has been helpful. Blessings,

Well, that's just a fabulous idea!
I have used the one I bought from Creative Memories years ago to store my heat gun in and I can testify that they work great. I keep mine plugged in, but after reading your post perhaps i need to rethink that. Thanks Patter!
I NEVER thought of my heat tool getting knocked over & turned on! Now, with 4 cats....I think you're RIGHT on MAKING SURE it gets UNPLUGGED!!!!!!!!!! LOVE your idea for the holder! I'll have to take a look at them! THANKS PATTER! :)
And because you have "flopped" the circular ring down, you could use it to hold a slightly dampened handtowel for quick clean-ups.
What a great idea!!
Well what do you know? Great minds think alike, Ha Ha. I have been using mine the same way for at least 10yrs. Sure am glad you are there to let the newbees know what to do with it. So much safer than laying where you can accidently touch it.
Great idea! I keep losing my heat tool, so this would be good for me! x
Great idea. I have three set up in my room and always for drinks. You have major spillage once and you learn your lesson, lol
HA! This is quite clever. I have two of those cup holders that are stashed away. May just have to pull one out now! Thanks for sharing.
Patter! I JUST got ANOTHER e-mail from you---I e-mailed you my address the other day & it never came back. So, I thought you got my message. I WILL try again & see if it goes through. I can't figure out what the problem is if your e-mail is working! Thanks for your patience!
Great idea! I have a heat tool that looks more like a curling iron. I need to find a metal item to place that on. I hate setting it on my work table! I'll look around!
Hope you are enjoying the home and area!
He IS Able!
Traci Starkweather
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Brillant idea. I am going to put mine in tonight.
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