Thursday, March 29, 2012

{Faith Journaling} Challenge #112

So yesterday I read an article by Renee Swope. She was talking about how she talks to Jesus each day before her feet even hit the floor. She said "Otherwise, I'll start talking to myself and before I know it, I'll be overhwhelmed by all I need to do and how much time I don't have." I really liked what she said. So, today please share:

**At what moment do you begin talking to Jesus each day? Describe that time.

Matthew 17:3 "Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus."

Enjoy your journaling time, and to see all of our previous {Faith Journaling} questions, please look here. Blessings to you,

1 comment:

Norma G. said...

I really don't have a set time, it just happens randomly through my day.

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