As I began typing out instructions on how to make crinkle ribbon for my upcoming class, I thought that I would share them here also. I have posted on this a bit before but over the past year or so, I have perfected the way I love to create this ribbon. I find it most effective for me, and I always love how the ribbons turn out.
• Hug Snug seam binding in white or ecru or other light color
• Spray mists (Maya Road, Glimmer Mist, etc.)
• Spray bottle filled with water
• Wax paper
• Paper towels
1. Cut one yard of Hug Snug and place on a piece of wax paper.
2. Dampen seam binding by spraying with water first. This allows you to pick up color more easily without having to saturate the ribbon with so much color.
3. Start spritzing with 2-3 colors of your spray mists. I used two here.
4. Swirl seam binding around on wax paper to pick up more color.
5. When finished, place in paper towel to crinkle and remove extra color. I usually wad it up very tightly in the paper towel to get it very crinkled. Below it's not quite as "tight" as I like it yet.
6. Let dry overnight lying open in the paper towel as seen above or use a heat tool by holding the crinkled-up ribbon with a clothespin.
7. Here is what you end up with:
I love crinkle ribbon. I always use 1 yard per bow! Here is a bow made with 1 yard of the above-made ribbon:
Enjoy, and remember, I will always answer your questions here in the comments section. I hope this has been helpful! Blessings,

Looks GREAT Patter! WHERE can you find this brand of Seam Binding? I remember you posted a few weeks back about using the kind you get in the package...You're RIGHT!!!!!!! It DOESN'T wrinkle because it's backed with a plastic! :/(To my dismay, I went & checked mine quickly & discovered you were right!)
I love doing this with Snug Hug! Do you have any instructions on how you tie your bows? I don't think I have every used 1 whole yard for a bow....
Playful and creative, this just looks like your work to me. Oh, it is.....ha ha ha ha. Oh, Patter, thank you for your posts, little visual snapshuts of meaning and cuteness that I truly enjoy, even when I cannot get mine to look similiar. --Jennifer in Ohio
Good morning all! To answer your questions, first I usually buy my Hug Snug from:
They always ship fast, and even though I have to pay shipping, there are still 100 yards on this roll so it lasts a while (and I use it for class members too).
And I may try to do a tutorial on how I tie a bow with a yard of seam binding. I am not sure written instructions would be as helpful. Let me see if I can do that for next week.
And Jennifer, you can do this! It really is easy, quick, and fun. A lot of times, I will whip up 1 yard for a card. In fact, that's what I usually do. I rarely store extra on hand. I like it to match perfectly so usually whip some up quickly for a creation. Once you try it, you will find it's easy. Do you want me to mail you a yard to try it out?
Have a blessed day everyone!
hello to my sister in Christ.. i just want to say you have encouraged me so much in the pass serveral years.I have watched your girl grow into young beautiful ladies .. what an amazing God we serve.. well i'm contacting you on the latest Tutorial.. regarding the glimmer mist and the seam binding.. i have purchased several from Esty.. never to stop and think wow i can make some and sell also.. i love the look on cards and what i purchased i have been using very simmingly - (if that a word) lol.. because i love it and didn't want to waste it .. but lady luck would have it and God in his awesome way has allowed me to stay contected to you and low and behold i've found the technique.... i must have missed it when you posted it before... so thanks and stay Blessed.. I will be trying this, this weekend if i can get a yrad or two from joanne if not i have to wait till my order come in...
OH and can you show me how to make the bow .. sorry i mean send detail on how.. thanks..
Hi Patter!
Thanks for sharing your "trade secret" with us. I have yet to see this brand anywhere. I wonder if it is only available on line somewhere? A yard per bow? Now I know why yours are always so full looking!
He IS Able!
Traci Starkweather
Praise Days & Huge Give-Away!
Hi! I stumbled upon your blog while looking for instructions on how to make (or where to buy) the crinkly rayon ribbon. I've found rayon Hug Snug on ebay and it comes in colors. I was wondering if just getting it wet with water and scrunching it up in a paper towel is what makes it crinkly or does the dye product cause that effect? Love your blog and I subscribed to it today. Thank you! Mary
Hi Mary! Thank you for your question. I also have some of the colored Hug Snug. The product does help with the crinkle so when I use an already colored piece, I spritz with water and then even add a sheer color like Glimmer Mist Pearl. Works beautifully.
Also, I don't know if you saw my short video on tying these bows, but you can find it on my blog here.
Thank you so much for responding so quickly! I'm anxious to order some of this ribbon and get busy on a project. Blessings to you and thank you for your blog!
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