Today is a very special day in our family--our precious girls turn 16 today! I have cried for a week or so now, and I am crying as I write this. When you have 3 born at one time, you also have 3 that hit milestones at the same time--birthdays, leaving for college, etc. As I sit and think about the past 16 years, the only thing that comes to mind is how very, very blessed I am that God picked us to raise these precious girls. I cannot even begin to tell you how blessed we are!!!!! We have three girls that LOVE being with their family, that love each other, that love the Lord, that care about others, etc., etc., etc. Yes, I could write a huge book on how precious they are to us!! I also could flood the U.S. with my tears as I think that they may only be with us for two more years. I can't bare to imagine what it will be like to not wake up to their hugs each morning, to not wake up to their darling smiles and voices as they say "Good morning, Mommy." I cannot begin to imagine them moving away. But today is about celebrating--celebrating 16 amazing years!!!!!! So no more tears, just a HUGE "I love you girls, and Happy Birthday." Thank you all for allowing me to "babble" and "boo hoo" today. Blessings to all, and Happy Birthday to my precious, precious girls!!!
One Month Old (First Group Photo)
Two and a Half!

A Few Weeks Shy of 14!

One Month Old (First Group Photo)

Wow! I have tears now, too! You are blessed. My three girls are 8, 5, and 2. They'll turn 16 in the blink of an eye.
love the beach shot Patter!!
I am glad to know that I am not the only one crying at the thought of my 16 year old daughter leaving home in 2 years. I started thinking about her leaving home last year during high school graduation when she was singing in the choir. It is going to be so hard to let her go. I can't even imagine having 3 leaving at the same time. We can be thankful that they know their Lord and that He is watching over them even when we can't.
Wow, dear precious girls, I too can't believe you are 16 today. Where did the time go? I was so blessed that you lived in SC when you were born and that Lori and I could come and spend many weekends with you, holding you, feeding you, even changing diapers!!!! What a fun time that was. One of the joyous trips was the time Nan, Len, Aunt Harriett, Freeman and I came to visit and poor little Erin was certain it was her Nana walking up the stairs with Freeman. Your mother told you, No, it was Aunt Karen. Erin, you insisted I was your Nana. See what having a wombmate does!! It is a wonderful experience and may that bond you three have grown deeper with each day. That is something no one can take away.
Caitlyn you were the baby I held the most and fed. We have a strong connection and I treasure those days and more to come.
Ashley, you were so tender and little and needed special care and your daddy knew how to calm you and to feed you.
Girls, I love you dearly, and I am ruining my makeup as I get ready to leave to see your Nana and Grandad to just remember how much I love you and wish you a very special happy 16th birthday.
God Bless you and your family.
Aunt Karen
Happy Birthday, beautiful girls!! You bless me and I've never even met you!!
Wow Patter, what an amazing day for you. HUGE hugs coming your way sweetie. Get lots of hugs today. :)
- April
Happy Birthday, Cross girls!!!!! May God contiue to bless you and keep you!! Patter, you are one amazing woman raising 3 of the same age at one time!!!! Oh, it is all right to cry...that's why we are Mommy ;D;D Hugs, Sabrina
Girls, your Uncle and i are so very proud of you. You've become fine young ladies with such bright and hopeful futures ahead of you. Enjoy these young days enjoying school, driving, and, yes, even boys. Please promise not to text or use your cell phone while driving. We want to keep you safe and happy for many, many years. Be kind to your parents. Even though you may think you know better, they know more. God bless each of you every day and continue to hold the Lord close to your hearts. We love you so much. Uncle Gregg and Aunt Joanne
Happy 16th birthday to your girls! I feel like I "know" you so well... lol :) I am so proud of your girls and am SO happy for all of you. That you are so close and all love the Lord. May that NEVER change and may you all only continue to grow closer with each other and the Lord.
Very special blessings sent your way.
oh Patter they are precious!! try not to think of the sadness that comes as they grow up and move on with life. think of all the JOY that is yet to come as they grow in our Lord and perhaps marry and bless you with wonderful son in laws and grand babies :)
Happy Birthday to your lovely girls, Patter! What wonderful pictures.
Happy Birthday to your 3 Special Blessings, Your Precious Girls!
Patter, you are a wonderful mother and teacher. Know that you are blessed to have a family that gets along so beautifully, that all love the Lord so much, that they are best of friends, and that they love their Mommy (and Daddy, I'm sure, too.)
Praise God today for the gift He had placed in you. For it was He who created your "babies." Who knew just how they would be born. And, who has the best plans in life planned for each of them individually and as Sisters. You have taught them to listen to Him. They will be blessed, I am sure. They already are to have you as a Mom.
It's ok for them to grow up, I have shed many tears. But, my son, who will be 21 in a month, and moved out 1 1/2 years ago...still tells me he loves me, and gives me a kiss and hug. Things change...but they also remain the same...they have deep roots.
Happy Birth-ing Day, Patter...a special day for YOU, too! I think Dad needs to take care of dinner is a special day for all of his "ladies."
He IS Able,
Traci S.
It is indeed fabulous that you three sisters have created such an incredible bond. My wish is that you will always love and like each other, regardless of the usual competitions that happen in the teen years. I smile when I think of you. I smile when I think of your parents. You have brought much joy into the lives of others, and I pray that God will continue to show you how to be a blessing to others. Thank you for making my life better! I want you to have a special, special birthday. Love you BIG/Aunt Beth
Happy Birthday to your 3 beautiful young ladies!!
My oldest son started college on Monday, I dropped him off at the train station and watched my baby go off to college. It was just yesterday that he had his first loose tooth.
Happy Birthday to all 3 girls! Enjoy your 'Sweet 16 Birthday'!!!
Jan Castle
Happy birthday to your precious girls and a great big hug to you from me!!!!
Happy, Happy 16th Birthday to your beautiful daughters. I'm sure that they have given you many reasons to feel so proud of them. Enjoy the years to come - it keeps getting better ! :)
Happy Birthday to your 3 precious girls, Patter. Time does fly doesn't it? I think it speeds up extra fast during those teens years. Enjoy these last years before college but know that while life will change, it's not all bad. There are new joys & blessings at each stage of life. For instance...I highly recommend grandbabies. :)
Tears are OK too. It's part of being a loving mama!!
{{hugs}} to you.
"Happy Birthday Girls"!!!! Congratulations to you and your husband for raising such goregous young ladies. Enjoy every moment you have with them now, yes they have to leave you to bloom into the wonderful person each must become. Then one day start a family of their own and you get to go through all of those wonderful stages all over again with grandchildren. God bless!!
I can understand your tears. My 3 are 23,14,13. Amazing how I can have such old kids when Im only 25, LOL. Time goes way to fast, love deep and strong! (as Im sure you do) Happy Sweet 16 to the girls too. Hang on mom, You'll make it.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, and that includes amazing, growing daughters! What a precious heritage of faith you three have, and I pray God's blessings upon you and your entire family today. May you always acknowledge the value and privilege of being sisters together (my "lonely only" would have loved peer siblings, though she does adore her much older stepsisters). Tears of joy with you today---A sister in Christ
Patter, what a joy and a blessing you post was to me. Children are such a gift from God and you had yours multiplied. Hope you all had a blessed and wonderful day. You photos of the girls are precious. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
God bless all of you.
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